Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thank Me

Geezaloo. It seriously took me, like 10 minutes to figure out how to get to this spot to actually write a blog--and I had to google it to get here...

I've been a bit disgruntled lately. I can't put my finger on the cause, exactly, but I *know* selfishness, discontentment, and plain ol' sin play a HUGE staring role. After getting sick and tired of griping to the Lord, I stopped griping to Him and just let it suck my brain power. Not a pretty picture. Well, this morning, my heart was feeling less ugly (not sure if it really is), and I was thoroughly disgusted by my attitude of the last few days. I was reminded that I always feel better when I make a list of things I'm thankful for--which I did, and felt much better. I was also reminded of a story I heard or read somewhere, the details of which are pretty cloudy, but the main idea is as clear as day:

A woman whose loved one was dying from a terminal disease was awakened in the middle of the night overcome with grief and heartache. She laid herself prostrate on the floor and pleaded with God, begging Him to spare the life of her loved one, asking the questions of "Why? Why him? Why me? What are You doing? How can I handle this? Can I really trust that You know best?" etc.
In the midst of the tears and anguish she heard God answer: "Thank Me."
"For what? My loved one needs prayer and intercession."
"Thank Me."
"How can I? I have nothing to be thankful for right now, only heaviness and need."
"Thank Me."
"Thank Me."
With one faltering word after another, she did. She thanked the Lord for anything and everything she could think of, especially the life of her loved one, however long or short, the Lord's sovereignty over that life, and the perfect plan He had, whether life or death. And this heartbroken, hurting woman fell asleep in sweet, perfect peace, prostrate on the floor of the Throne Room before her King, words of thankful praise on her lips, knowing that He had heard her prayers.

I don't know if the loved one lived or died, but the message has always stuck with me. There's just something about praising and thanking the Lord that can transform the foul, broken, or troubled heart.

I just wish I remembered this more often.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

6 months later...

So, I hardly ever email or facebook, which fits perfectly with my lack of blogging. Oh sure, I have grand aspirations of becoming an avid blogger...right. Maybe when I have nothing else to do. Kudos to all those who are able to juggle it into their busy lives (Sarah...). I don't know how you do it! It just so happens that it's Saturday night and I'm trying really hard to avoid preparing my science lesson (physics...exactly...), and I stumbled across my blog!

Life is pleasant but busy. Veritas is going well: we've moved for the 3rd time into a great little sanctuary near downtown, and Brad has his hands full (in a good way) with sermon prep and discipleship. I've been done at Starbucks for almost 2 months (thank You Jesus!). I'm teaching at a small Christian school in Campbell, which takes much more time an energy than I thought it would. I enjoy the kids, but once again, teaching in a classroom is not my thing.

We have a kitten named Milo, who's not much of a kitten anymore, and doesn't know his name is Milo (we call him "Kitten"). The fams are doing well; Brad's brother and sister and families join us at Veritas every week, and we try to get down to Morgan Hill once a week or so to visit my family.

Um, guess that's it for now.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Can't Help Lovin that Man of Mine

(Ever heard that song--I think it's from the old movie "Show Boat"?)

Well, my husband totally cleaned up the house while I was at work...*sigh* how did I get so lucky?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Funny, I made a change...on purpose

So, although one of my favorite colors is pink, I grew a little weary of the bold pink of our blog (and I'm sure Brad loved it as well!). But I haven't been able to change it (my computer is old and outdated, so my ability to do things is rather limited). So I'm on Brad's computer, and viola! A whole new world of blogging possibilities opened up to me!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Changes, yet again

So, in the last six months I've become a pastor's wife, moved from Morgan Hill to San Jose, quit the pill (this is on the internet!?), *maybe* worked my last shift at Starbucks in Morgan Hill, and begun covering shifts at a store in Campbell (and watched the first 3 seasons of 24, but that has nothing to do with this). In the next month or so I will probably be working at a different store in the San Jose area, I'm going back to school, beginning with a summer Spanish class and accounting in the fall (oh yeah, and scuba diving!)...and I hate change! Who's life am I living!? Good thing I have an amazingly sovereign, in-control God and an incredible husband!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Auntie Again!

No this is not a repeat. McKenna Dianne Keller was born Monday, March 2, 7 pounds 14 ounces, 19 inches. Her big sister is glow in the dark blond and blue--McKenna brings out the Keller colors of Mexico :o).

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ho boy! Life has happened fast since August!

Brad started (and finished) his last semester of his masters program

Brad got a motorcycle

Brad turned 30

We planted a church in Campbell, Veritas Community Church (

We spent way too many hours awake on New Year's Eve at the youth group all nighter

We moved from Morgan Hill to San Jose (watch out city slickers, here we come!)

We've been married for almost a year (love it, love it!)

I'm trying to get a new job

And I'm sure there are millions of other details, but that's just an update for the moment.